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Best WordPress Plugins for Increasing Website Traffic (With Examples)

Plugins expand functionality and improve website performance. A website has much to do, from constantly improving the user experience to boosting its visibility through SEO.

Most importantly, you need more traffic to your WordPress website. That’s exactly why we need plugins! There are many different plugins for boosting traffic and user interaction on your website. A leading Web design agency knows the trick of using smart plugins.

You can get more potential traffic and convert visitors into loyal customers and subscribers by using Best WordPress Plugins.

Best WordPress Plugins To Boost Your Web Traffic

There are over 58,000 WordPress plugins in the WordPress directory, and among them, we have compiled some of the best WordPress plugins you need to know for your website and to earn more paying clients;

  • AI Engine:

AI engine does a little bit of everything. It helps you generate new blog content. It works as a chatbot to answer your visitors’ customer service questions.

It features an AI Copilot in your WordPress editor so that you can publish content faster. It offers automatic translation so that you can reach more people worldwide. It makes SEO suggestions and auto-fills wordpress fields for you.

The result is an easy-to-maintain website that makes your business feel huge. Prospects can talk to a chatbot that feels close to Chat GPT, and over time, you can train an AI engine to get better at doing what you need it to do.

Your website will have a lot of functionality like a whole team running it. So, it can do almost everything. Isn’t it a great plugin?

  • Rank Math:

Rank Math is a website plugin that optimizes your website for you and is one of the most used tools, especially when making a Digital brand strategy; running an SEO analysis based on 30 different factors gets SEO suggestions as you write, and it doesn’t even matter if you are using WordPress Gutenberg or classic.

If you know the difference, don’t worry. It works either way. This plugin has options like verifying your site settings or creating site maps with just a few clicks. You can also call the Thai plugin a ‘SEO wizard’! The plugin is used by many companies, especially those that offer Custom web design services in the USA.

  • WP Sticky:

Let’s say you visit a website and notice its lead magnet signup bar follows you around. It doesn’t interrupt the website’s functions. Instead, it just makes it more likely that you will see the element that they want you to see, which leads to higher conversions, and that is WP Sticky.

It doesn’t require you to know any code. You can highlight a piece of your website, and in less than a minute, you can make it a sticky element that stays in place whenever your customer starts scrolling. It is compatible with any WordPress theme.

  • MonsterInsight:

This plugin lets you view your website’s data in your WordPress dashboard. Every report is detailed and simple enough to extract insight data.

You can use it to collect information about site visitors and their behavior on the website. It can show you the number of visitors, their sources, bounce rate, average time spent on your web page, and the devices they used to access your site, among other metrics.

In the reports, you’ll also see the top pages people visited on your site. This will give you an idea of the topic your visitors are most interested in. This way you can also create more of that content and optimize the high-performing web pages for conversions.
It also gathers real-time data, which is the best part! With that, you can find when people were most active on your web page during the day.

MonsterInsights provides deep insights into your performance across many eCommerce KPIs. It can also track affiliate links, show conversion data on lead forms, and integrate other tools in your tech stack.

  • Code WP:

Code WP is used by over 2,000,000+ website owners to add custom WordPress functionality. It is built to make WordPress customizations through code snippets hassle-free and for beginners. It uses AI generation to build any piece of WordPress code you need.

The best thing about the extension is that it is specifically trained for WordPress. It’s not just another chatbot that is giving you the best guesses. It has high ratings from 1000s of users who have tried it and gotten the best results.

  • LinkWhisper:

Internal links are very important! First, they make your website a bit stickier and keep your readers bouncing around in your website, and they are great for SEO.
Link whisper handles all your internal links to boost your search rankings, get more eyeballs on your content, and create more relevant cross-linking. This helps your customers breeze through your site.

The plugin also has a cool auto-linking feature that takes your keywords to the URL you want to point them to and handles the rest. Make the plugin a part of your digital brand strategy!

  • Revive Old Posts:

Revive old posts is one of the most helpful plugins for WordPress. It is used for social media and makes all your old posts work for you by keeping them alive on your social profiles.

The plugin allows you to share your old posts automatically on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter regularly.

New users often create blog posts, share them and then leave them in archives. But with this plugin, you can grow your web traffic and get more followers and interactions by keeping your visitors engaged.

  • WP Smush:

Images are an integral part of the websites and make them more appealing. However, higher-resolution visuals tend to have larger file sizes, which, in turn, takes a lot of web speed.

WP Smush, an award-winning plugin for image compression, is used by over 1 million people. It reduces pictures’ overall size without degrading their quality.

Many people use it because it optimizes images up to 2x more with its multi-pass lossy compression. It supports all kinds of image formats, including. JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Moreover, it can optimize 50 images at a time if multiple images are needed.


Above are the most useful WordPress plugins in the USA. When it comes to plugins, one of the most important things is to know the best plugins for WordPress to increase your traffic.

Other than the plugins mentioned, some can help you get the best web content writing services, like Nelio content. Whether you want to rank higher or want high conversions, traffic is the main target to gain more customers and interactions.

As everyone has the same demand, how do you gain more traffic? Xperts Logo is a top Web design agency that has made so much progress using the same plugins. The top

A USA logo design company proves plugins can make a big change and help you grow your business. Moreover, with this question, many companies have built their best plugins for WordPress to support and achieve this goal. You can use any plugin from the above list of WordPress plugins to increase your web traffic and boost brand sales.